
Chemked is a program designed for processing thermodynamic and chemical kinetics data and solving problems of complex gas-phase chemistry. Using the program tools you can create checked and consistent databases of thermodynamic data and chemical reactions with easy access to the information. The data from the databases can be directly used for generating desirable reaction mechanism that can be entered in the Chemked solver to get solution of the considered problem.

The program will help you if you need to incorporate gas-phase chemistry into problems of fluid dynamics. Chemked forms a CHEMKIN format text file with a reaction list and thermodynamic data as an output document. The file can be used as input file in the CHEMKIN subroutines or other applications.

Chemked consists of two parts: Chemked-I and Chemked-II.
Chemked-I contains tools for working with databases. In addition, you can access the solver for solving problems of chemical kinetics; results are presented in numerical and graphical form.
Chemked-II is a post-processor for viewing results and analyzing them on level of chemical reactions.


Supported Operating Systems: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10.

Frequently Asked Questions

Chemked verificationn




Sample Problems


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